How Long Do HVAC UV Lights Last? - A Comprehensive Guide

Ultraviolet (UV) lights are an effective way to improve indoor air quality by eliminating bacteria and viruses that are transmitted through the air. They are installed in air conditioning systems to help reduce allergens and other pollutants in the home. But how long do HVAC UV lights last? Most quality lamps will emit at least 80% of their original UV-C emission within a year. We recommend replacing all UV bulbs every three years, regardless of how often they are used.

However, the exact lifespan of a UV bulb will depend on the type of system and the manufacturer's recommendations. Generally speaking, a UV bulb will last between 1 and 5 years. A “blue tube system” bulb usually lasts 1 to 2 years, while the APCO or APCO X bulb is expected to last more than 3 to 5 years. For example, it is recommended to replace a Carrier Coil UV lamp every 9000 operating hours or every year.

In the case of a REME HALO, it is every 2 or 3 years and in a REME HALO LED, 4 to 5 years. You may need to replace the UV bulb first if it doesn't work properly or if you notice a decline in indoor air quality. Most lamp manufacturers, such as Phillips, GE, and Sylvania, produce UV bulbs that need to be replaced at some point. If the UV lamp is installed in the air conditioning system of a vacation home or other secondary residence where it is not used regularly, you can wait up to two years before changing the UV bulbs. If the UV or UV system is used seasonally (for example, for 6 months this year) and then emptied and unplugged, you can use it for next year's season for another 6 months before having to replace the lamp with a replacement one.

The Benefits of Installing UV Lights

Ultraviolet (UV) lights are an effective way to improve indoor air quality by eliminating bacteria and viruses that are transmitted through the air.

Two studies point to the efficacy of UV light in eliminating mold and bacteria, one in hospitals and the other in a commercial HVAC system. Another study showed that air purifiers with UV light could reduce the amount of airborne flu virus by 90%. Unlike traditional UV disinfection systems, which operate 24 hours a day, the new automated systems emit UV light depending on the use of heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems. One study found that UV lights could reduce the amount of mold and bacteria in a test home by 97%.

Where Can I Get Help With Installing HVAC UV Lights?

If you're interested in installing UV lamps in your home, let Jacobs Heating & Air Conditioning experts guide you.

For more information on UV lights and other clean air solutions for your home, contact Scott's Heating & Air Conditioning. If you need UV lamp services for your air conditioning system in the South Florida area, the Sansone team is here to help. Since you spend up to 90% of your time indoors, it's important to consider the impact that pollutants can have on your long-term health and how UV lights can help your air conditioning system. For most UV disinfection systems, complying with an annual replacement program will ensure that ultraviolet lights continue to keep your home's indoor air healthy.


UV lights are not a new technology and have been used for nearly a century to treat problems such as tuberculosis in hospitals. The lifespan of a UV light depends on several factors, such as the type of system, the manufacturer's recommendations, and the frequency of use. For most UV disinfection systems, complying with an annual replacement program will ensure that ultraviolet lights continue to keep your home's indoor air healthy.

Lydia Roelle
Lydia Roelle

Extreme coffee fan. Extreme entrepreneur. Friendly coffee evangelist. Typical web trailblazer. Subtly charming travel lover. Wannabe food buff.