The Benefits of Installing UV Lights in Your HVAC System: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for a way to improve the air quality in your home and reduce allergies and asthma symptoms? Installing UV-light air filtration systems in your heating and cooling system can be a great solution. Ultraviolet lights are an effective way to combat allergies and improve air quality, and they can be installed inside your boiler, air conditioner, heat pump, or ducts. UV lights have many advantages, from reducing allergies and energy costs to preventing common air conditioner damage. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the impact of UV light on your air conditioning system and your health, and explore how you can benefit from this technology.

What Are UV Lights?

UV stands for ultraviolet light, which is a type of light that is invisible to the human eye.

UV lights emit radiation that can kill bacteria, mold, allergens, and other germs before they enter your home. There are two types of UV lights used in air conditioning systems: UV-C light and UV-V light.

Benefits of Installing UV Lights in Your HVAC System

Installing UV lights in your HVAC system can provide many benefits, including:
  • Helps prevent sick building syndrome: UV light can improve indoor air quality and reduce symptoms such as headaches, fatigue, and respiratory problems by eliminating pollutants that cause sick building syndrome (SBS).
  • Reduce allergies and asthma: UV light can reduce allergies and asthma symptoms by eliminating airborne allergens, such as pet dander and dust mites. Even so, you should pair UV lights with an air filter or air filtration system for the best results.
  • Keeps coils and drain pan clean: Among the lesser-known advantages of UV light for air conditioning, ventilation and air conditioning systems, they also help to keep the coils and the drain pan clean, reducing both wear and maintenance requirements.
  • Reduces number of illnesses: UV lights can also reduce the number of illnesses your family gets by eliminating the viruses and bacteria that cause colds and other common illnesses.

Are UV Lights Safe?

UV lights have proven effective in helping to reduce problematic fungi and pathogens found in the air conditioning system. First of all, lights don't attract objects to them; UV lights are fixed, so for an organism to be affected, it must go under the lights.

So, are UV lights in air conditioning systems safe? Yes! As long as they are installed correctly by a professional HVAC technician.


HVAC UV lights have many advantages, from reducing allergies and energy costs to preventing common air conditioner damage. If you are allergic or have allergy sufferers in your home, call Celco Heating and Air Conditioning today and find out what UV lighting can do for your Stamford, CT home. Installing ultraviolet (UV) lighting systems in your heating and cooling system is an effective way to improve indoor air quality while reducing allergies and asthma symptoms. This technology has many benefits such as preventing sick building syndrome (SBS), reducing allergies and asthma symptoms, keeping coils and drain pans clean, as well as reducing the number of illnesses. Moreover, these systems are safe when installed correctly by a professional HVAC technician.

If you want to take advantage of these benefits for your home in Stamford CT, contact Celco Heating & Air Conditioning today!.

Lydia Roelle
Lydia Roelle

Extreme coffee fan. Extreme entrepreneur. Friendly coffee evangelist. Typical web trailblazer. Subtly charming travel lover. Wannabe food buff.