Are UV Lights in HVAC Worth the Investment?

With an efficient HVAC unit, you'll save money on repairs and maintenance in the long run. That's why a UV disinfectant light can be a great addition to any home with a central climate system. Whether you want to maximize the efficiency of your air conditioning system or keep the effects of allergens away, a UV lamp is a wise investment. HVAC UV lights are also beneficial for reducing mold growth throughout the HVAC system and preventing certain respiratory diseases.

The most common type of HVAC light is an entrance light that is placed near the central air system fan. Some air conditioning systems also use UV lights to stop mold from forming in the evaporator coil. This coil contains the refrigerant that your air conditioning unit uses to cool your home and is a breeding ground for mold spores that love cold, condensation-rich environments. You may also see lights that are used to sterilize the condenser coil and drain pan. HVAC UV lights are an effective way of improving indoor air quality, but only after following indoor air quality priorities.

Install an HVAC UV lamp and enjoy healthier indoor air quality. Even if your air conditioning system has a high-quality air filter, adding a UV light will help eliminate microorganisms and bacteria that might be small enough to pass through the filter. Two studies point to the effectiveness of UV light in eliminating mold and bacteria, one in hospitals and the other in a commercial heating, ventilation and air conditioning system. Since germicidal UV light will most likely be installed in the air controller, you won't have to worry about it affecting vulnerable plastic components. A professional with experience installing UVGi systems must consider a multitude of conditions when installing a system.

HVAC UV lighting systems, also called germicidal air purifiers, can effectively sterilize nearly 100% of germs, viruses, mold spores, bacteria, fungi, and other harmful microorganisms that pass through the air conditioning system. The HVAC professional who services your home or office building might ask you if you would consider installing ultraviolet (UV) lights inside your system. Installing a UV HVAC system in the condensing unit (indoor) provides a cost-effective method for cleaning the home's air as it passes through the system. UV light has germicidal properties, making it ideal for disinfecting air as it passes through the air conditioning system. But it doesn't make sense to install an HVAC UV lamp unless you've followed indoor air quality priorities.

It is the UV-C section of the spectrum that has germicidal properties, since 253.7 nm is the ideal frequency level at which DNA absorbs the most UV light. While UV light can help people with respiratory problems by destroying mold and mildew formation, HVAC UV lamps are expensive to install and maintain and will ultimately make it necessary to repair the air conditioning system due to damage caused. Never look directly at a UV lamp; even brief exposure to UV light can cause permanent eye damage. UV air purifiers are only effective if microorganisms pass through the UV-C light inside the air conditioning system. Once installed, UV lights require very little maintenance and only need attention when they need to be cleaned or replaced. Installing an HVAC ultraviolet light is an excellent way to improve indoor air quality while also protecting your health from harmful microorganisms like bacteria and viruses.

It's important to remember that installing an HVAC UV lamp should be done after following indoor air quality priorities such as changing filters regularly and using high-efficiency filters when possible. With proper installation and maintenance, you can enjoy improved indoor air quality without having to worry about costly repairs or health risks.

Lydia Roelle
Lydia Roelle

Extreme coffee fan. Extreme entrepreneur. Friendly coffee evangelist. Typical web trailblazer. Subtly charming travel lover. Wannabe food buff.